Wednesday 17 October 2012

6 Benefits of Imparting Physical Education in Schools

It is said that health is wealth. People with good health generally live longer and enjoy their life more than people who suffer from health problems. Good health is also linked with good performance in studies and efficiency in work. Many young children around the world suffer from obesity. Schools can play a key role in ensuring good health by including physical education as a part of their academic syllabus. Physical education plays a key role not only in ensuring good health but also in the development of a strong and positive personality. The advantages of including physical education as a part of the academic syllabus are:

1) It ensures physical fitness
During the physical education periods, the students have to participate in various exercises and outdoor sports like cricket, basketball, football etc. Participating in these sports helps in improving physical stamina, strength and endurance.

2)  Aids in controlling diseases
People who participate in sports and exercises during their young age don't suffer from health problems like obesity in their later years. Obesity is the main cause behind heart ailments and cancer. In the physical education books knowledge regarding foods and drinks which are beneficial for health is imparted. Similarly foods and drinks which should be avoided like fried food, alcohol, cold drinks which must be avoided are also mentioned in physical education books. So physical education makes a child aware of the advantages and disadvantages of various dietary products at an early age.

3) Presents sports as a career option
In the modern world there is cut throat competition when it comes to attaining good jobs on the basis of your academic qualifications. Every person would not be able to make a lucrative career on the basis of his academic qualifications. Physical education helps in attracting a child towards sports and opens sports as a career option for him or her. Most of the great sportsmen in the world were introduced to their favorite sport by their physical education instructors. The leading sportsmen around the world not only earn millions but also earn great fame and name. Most of the leading sportsmen are remembered even after their death. Cognita schools are known for encouraging young children to take up sports.

4) It promotes academic learning.
The physical education period provides a welcome relief to the students in between their academic learning. It helps in refreshing their mind and removes mental fatigue. This allows the students to concentrate better in their later academic periods. That is why schools like Cognita duly concentrated on sports and athletic activities.

5) Promotes team spirit and discipline
Sports are all about team spirit and discipline something which Cognita independent schools inculcate among children. In team sports you have to at times make up for the failure of others. Similarly there would be occasions when others will make up for your failure. This helps in building team spirit. Sportsmen have to undergo regular fitness regimes, attend training sessions and follow a dietary regimen. This makes a person disciplined.

6) Helps in development of  sportsman spirit
In sports one day you emerge victorious, another day you lose. You succeed one day and fail another day. One day, you are a hero, another day you will be condemned. All these experiences help in forming a balanced approach in life. People who have participated in sports don't get depressed by failures and criticism. They also don't get overjoyed by success and appreciation. This prevents them from becoming complacent during happier times and sadistic during tough times.

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