Wednesday 19 September 2012

How Technology Expands Learning Ability In Classrooms?

We stress the word ‘Electronic’ because it can be seen seeping into every thing in the present era. This digital revolution has changed the perspectives of young generation completely. Be it cell phones, digital cameras, tablets, laptops or computers. The 2G’s are moving to 3G’s and to 4G’s at a very frantic pace making children more technology oriented than their parents were.

If we start from a very simpler level, we find out that students are no more into paper work; they submit assignments and all such documents online. If students are enjoying this technical environment the teachers are enjoying there roles too in creating technology oriented education.  There has been remarkable advancement in this field too. Let’s throw some light on some promising techniques that teachers can use to improve their way of teachings:

·         Presentations: Sometimes it turns boring to just work with manual assignments and listening lectures. So you can allow your students to prepare presentations for their peer groups. Tell them to present on their favourite topic, this way they will be confident in delivering the presentation and the other peer groups will listen if someone of their age will teach them. You can tell your students to use pictures and animations in the presentations so as to make them interesting.

·         E- libraries: Some of the schools also offer interactive environments by providing a special area for video conferencing and I pad reading. This is the easy way by which children can have access to all the things going on world wide. This technology integrated curriculum has raised ability’s of students to use technology effectively. More and more schools including Cognita are making use of innovative technologies to enhance learning ability of children.

· Electronic White board: These interactive white boards are excellent tool in imparting education to plenty of students in one go. It increases the scope of flexibility and imaginative lesson planning in the classroom. According to researches it has been analysed that children grasp visual things quickly than the things they hear. Such boards capture the attention of learners and enables teachers to use internet with the whole class. This makes the teaching process simplified and quick.

· Distance teaching: This technological wave is now driving remarkable changes in the ways of teaching and education. The electronic performance support systems are helping education providers to expand the horizons of teaching. These computer based devices helps students a lot to learn new things from the comforts of their classrooms.

Perhaps some people may think that these new methods of teaching can seldom replace the conventional methods but the fact not be denied that electronic tools make the classes more efficient, interesting, informative, appealing and easy. Most of the good schools like Cognita school and City of London School have already incorporated these activities in their curriculum and are creating brilliant minds each day.

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